Detailed Analysis of the Italian QDMTT Implementing Decree

Legislative Decree No. 209 of December 27, 2023 (the ‘Legislative Decree’) implemented the GloBE rules in Italy and contained provisions in Article 18 to implement a QDMTT. Article 18(9) of the Legislative Decree provided that an Implementing Decree would be issued to provide more details on the application of the Qualified Domestic Minimum Top-up Tax (QDMTT).

On July 3, 2024, the Italian Ministry of Economy & Finance issued the Decree which contains the procedures for the implementation of the QDMTT.

It notes that in order for a domestic minimum tax to be qualified (ie a QDMTT) under the GloBE rules and to also qualify for the QDMTT Safe Harbour, it would need to meet a number of conditions as provided in the February 2023 and July 2023 OECD Administrative Guidance.  Whilst a number of these provisions are already included in the existing Legislative Decree, the new Implementing Decree expands on a number of areas.

Key aspects covered in the Implementing Decree are:

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