Summary of Todays OECD Two-Pillar Economic Assessment Webinar

Today’s OECD webinar on Tax challenges of digitalisation: Economic impact assessment of the Two-Pillar Solution reported that revenue gains from both Pillar One and Pillar Two is expected to increase from the previous economic impact assessment.  The slide deck from the webinar can be viewed at: Economic impact assessment of the Two-Pillar Solution: Slide Deck
Pillar One is expected to see global revenue gains of 13-36 billion USD annually (up from 5-12 billion USD). 
Pillar One
The increase arises for three key reasons:
  • Pillar One design changes (eg the scope of Pillar One was previously restricted to automated digital services and consumer-facing businesses, which is no longer the case)
  • better data eg CbC data with increased country coverage
  • changes in the underlying modeling

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