Lee Hadnum is a qualified Chartered Accountant. 

After qualifying with a degree in Law from the University of Manchester, Lee qualified as a Chartered Accountant with Ernst & Young. 

Lee is a former Senior Tax Analyst with Bloomberg Tax. Whilst there he was the head of the OECD & Digital Tax Task Force. Lee was responsible for drafting and reviewing all Bloomberg Tax’s content relating to OECD Pillar One and Pillar Two and published a number of articles on various aspects of these rules (including ‘Pillar Two of the OECD Two-Pillar Solution – The Rise of Deferred Tax’ as published in the Tax Management International Journal, Bloomberg BNA, 2022, Volume 55). 

Lee also created the Pillar Two GloBE Modelling Tool, an automated tool to calculate estimated top-up tax under Pillar Two

Lee is also the author of a number of best-selling tax books, including ‘Non-Resident & Offshore Tax Planning’ which has been featured in The Times and the Telegraph. 

View Lee’s Linked In Profile.

Testimonial from The Times Newspaper stating 'We suggest you start by reading Non-Resident & Offshore Tax Planning - Lee Hadnum's authoritative review of the topic'
Testimonial from The Telegraph stating ' A helpful guide to non-resident and offshore tax matters'