Pillar Two Analysis:

Tax Credit

image showing 'tax incentives under pillar two'

Tax Incentives that Don’t Reduce the Pillar Two Effective Tax Rate

The effective tax rate (ETR) under the GloBE rules is compared to the 15% global minimum rate for the purposes of determining whether a jurisdiction is a low-taxed jurisdiction and whether any top-up tax is potentially due.

Therefore, MNE’s will be looking to avoid reducing their ETR where they are either below or just above the 15% global minimum rate.

In this article we look at some of the key tax incentives under the GloBE rules that don’t impact on the GloBE effective tax rate.

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image showing 'international analysis of R&D and Pillar Two'

Analysis of R&D Tax Credit Regimes Internationally and their Treatment under Pillar Two

Tax credits under the Pillar Two GloBE rules can be either refundable or non-refundable. A qualifying refundable tax credit is treated as income for Pillar Two purposes as opposed to a reduction in covered taxes. This can have a significant impact on the MNE’s effective tax rate. In this article we provide an analysis of R&D tax credit regimes internationally to determine which are, and which aren’t, qualifying refundable tax credits.

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