GloBE Country Guide: Denmark


Status Enacted Law
LawOn June 11, 2024, Law No. 684 was published in the Danish Official Gazette. This implements additional aspects of the OECD Administrative Guidance.

Law No. 1535 of December 12, 2023
Effective DateAccounting periods beginning on or after December 31, 2023
IIRYes (2024)
UTPRYes (2025)
QDMTTYes (2024)
Filing DeadlinesStandard
Safe HarboursYes, Transitional CbCR Safe Harbour + QDMTT Safe Harbour + Transitional UTPR Safe Harbour. The June 2024 Amending Law includes the NMCE Simplified Calculations Safe Harbour

  1. Legislation
  2. General
  3. Differences to Model Rules
  4. Qualifying Domestic Minimum Top-Up Tax
  5. Administration and Filing
  6. Penalties

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