Pillar Two Implementation

Table of Contents


The July 2021 OECD Statement on a Two-Pillar Solution  provided that the Pillar Two GloBE rules have the status of a ‘common approach’. This means that members of the Inclusive Framework (IF) are not required to adopt them (ie they are not compulsory), but, if they do, they need to implement and administer them in a way that is consistent with the outcomes provided for under Pillar Two.

In addition, members of the IF are required to accept the application of the GloBE rules applied by other members, including (crucially) agreement on the rule order and the application of any agreed safe harbors.

If jurisdictions do want to implement the GloBE rules, both the Income Inclusion Rule (IIR) and Under-taxed Payments Rule (UTPR) will need to be implemented through domestic legislation. 

The Subject-To-Tax Rule (STTR), as a treaty-based rule, can only be implemented through bilateral negotiations and amendments to individual treaties or as part of a multilateral convention.

The OECD provides that members of the IF that apply nominal corporate income tax rates below the STTR minimum rate will implement the STTR into their bilateral treaties with developing country members of the IF when requested to do so.

On July 11, 2023,  the OECD issued an Outcome Statement on Pillars 1 & 2 that gives an update on the status and timeline for implementation of Amount A and B of Pillar One, and the Subject-to-Tax Rule (STTR).
On July 17, 2023,  the OECD issued the STTR model provision and commentary.  The Multilateral Instrument implementing the STTR was released and open for signature from October 2, 2023.
On October 11, 2023, the OECD released the Minimum Tax Implementation Handbook.
The Implementation Handbook is divided into two chapters:
-The first chapter provides an overview of the global minimum tax
-The second chapter sets out the considerations to be taken into account in assessing implementation options.
On December 18, 2023, the OECD issued the Third Set of Administrative Guidance on the Pillar Two GloBE Rules. It covers:
-Purchase price accounting adjustments in Qualified Financial Statements
-Further Guidance on the Transitional CbCR Safe Harbour
-Administrative Guidance on application of GloBE Rules
-Further Administrative Guidance on the allocation of Blended CFC Taxes
-Transitional Filing Deadlines for MNE Groups with Short Reporting Fiscal Years
-Simplified Calculation Safe Harbour for Non-Material Constituent Entities
On April 25, 2024, the OECD issued its Updated Commentary to the Model GloBE Rules. This includes the amendments and additions from the 2023 OECD Administrative Guidance.
On June 17, 2024, the Fourth set of OECD Administrative Guidance was issued.
In the July 2024 OECD Secretary-General Tax Report to G20 Finance Ministers, it was announced that the first high-level ceremony for the Multilateral Convention to facilitate the implementation of the STTR will take place in Paris on September 19, 2024.
The original timeframe was that Pillar Two should be brought into law in 2022, with the IIR coming into effect in 2023 and the UTPR in 2024.
International Implementation

The OECD published Model GloBE rules in December 2021 and Commentary in March 2022.  

On December 20, 2022, the OECD issued the Safe Harbours and Penalty Relief: Global Anti-Base Erosion Rules (Pillar Two), which includes details of two safe harbours and penalty relief for the Pillar Two GloBE rules

On February 2, 2023, the OECD issued the Agreed Administrative Guidance for the Pillar Two GloBE Rules. Running to 111 pages, it provides guidance on some of the outstanding issues that were left open in the Commentary issued in March 2022. 
On July 17, 2023, the OECD issued its second set of Administrative Guidance on the application of the Pillar Two GloBE Rules (see: A Review of the OECDs Second Set of GloBE Administrative Guidance).
The European Commission released a Proposed Directive based on the model GloBE rules on December 22, 2021. 
This was originally held up by Poland. They later relented but Hungary then raised objections in June 2022.
On June 30, 2022, the French Finance Minister announced that Pillar Two will be implemented with or without Hungary.
On September 9, 2022, Germany, France, Italy, Spain and the Netherlands issued a joint statement stating that if agreement is not reached on Pillar Two in ‘the next few weeks’ they will push forward domestic implementation of the Pillar Two GloBE rules ‘by any possible legal means’ in 2023.  Belgium subsequently announced it is willing to participate in the enhanced cooperation procedure to implement Pillar Two GloBE Rules.
On December 12, 2022, the EU issued a press release stating that ‘the ambassadors of EU member states decided to advise the Council to adopt the Pillar 2 directive, and a written procedure for the formal adoption will be launched.’
On December 15, 2022, the Council of the European Union formally adopted the EU Pillar Two directive. Member states will have to transpose the directive into national law by the end of 2023. 
On December 22, 2022 the EU Global Minimum Tax Directive was published in the EU official journal as Council Directive (EU) 2022/2523 of 14 December 2022. Date of entry into force: 23 December 2022. 
Numerous other jurisdictions have issued legislation to enact the Global Minimum Tax, with South Korea being the first domestic jurisdiction to enact legislation.
Use our Pillar Two Tracker to keep up to date with the latest developments.

Country GloBE Country GuideLegislationGuidanceOther Analysis
AustraliaAustralia: GloBE Country GuideOn July 4, 2024, draft legislation was submitted to Parliament. This includes the Taxation (Multinational-Global and Domestic Minimum Tax) Bill 2024, Taxation (Multinational-Global and Domestic Minimum Tax) Imposition Bill 2024 and the Treasury Laws Amendment (Multinational-Global and Domestic Minimum Tax) (Consequential) Bill 2024.

On March 21, 2024, the Australian Treasury released draft legislation and draft rules as part of a consultation to implement the Pillar Two GloBE Rules. This includes an IIR, UTPR and a domestic minimum tax. Explanatory notes were also issued.
Explanatory notesAustralia Submits Pillar 2 Laws to Parliament

A Review of Australia’s Draft Pillar Two Legislation
AustriaAustria: GloBE Country Guide On December 30, 2023, the Austrian Federal Law Gazette No. 187/2023 published the Minimum Taxation Reform Act to implement the EU Minimum Tax Directive from January 1, 2024.

On December 14, 2023, the Austrian National Council passed the Draft Pillar Two Law.

On October 3, 2023, the Austrian Federal Ministry of Finance issued the ‘Federal law enacting the Federal Act to Ensure a Global Minimum Taxation for Groups of Companies’ to implement the Pillar Two GloBE rules/EU Minimum Tax Directive.

See our English Translation
Explanatory NotesA Review of Austria’s Draft Pillar Two Law
BarbadosBarbados: GloBE Country GuideOn February 28, 2024, the Corporation Top-up Tax Bill, 2024 received its first reading in the House of Assembly.
Belgium Belgium: GloBE Country GuideOn 16 July 2024, Belgium published the Royal Decree of 7 July 2024 in the Official Gazette, which establishes the rules for companies to make advance payments of the minimum tax under Pillar 2.

On May 29, 2024, the Royal Decree of 15 May 2024 was published in the Official Gazette. This sets the GloBE Notification requirements.

On May 12, 2024, the Belgian Official Gazette published a law which includes provisions to amend the ‘Act on the introduction of a minimum tax for multinational enterprise groups and large domestic groups’ to implement the OECD Administrative Guidance.

On December 28, 2023, the Belgian Official Gazette published the ‘Act on the introduction of a minimum tax for multinational enterprise groups and large domestic groups’ to implement the EU Minimum Tax Directive from January 1, 2024.

On December 14, 2023, the Belgian parliament adopted the draft law to implement the EU Minimum Tax Directive.

On November 30, 2023, the Belgian House of Representatives adopted the draft law No. 55K3678 to implement the EU Minimum Tax Directive. The law will be enacted after it has been promulgated by the King and published in the official journal.
The draft law was passed with no amendments.

On November 13, 2023, draft law No. 55K3678 to implement the EU Minimum Tax Directive was sent to the Belgian Parliament.
Tax Authority FAQs on the Belgian Registration ProcessBelgium Extends Registration Deadline to September 16, 2024 if no 2024 GMT Advance Payments

Belgian Royal Decree Sets July 13, 2024 as the Deadline for the First GloBE Notification Form

Belgium Issues Draft Law to Implement the OECD Administrative Guidance

A Review of Belgium’s Draft Pillar Two Law
BermudaOn December 28, 2023, the Corporate Income Tax Act, 2023 (Act No. 35/2023) was published in the Official Gazette.

On December 8, 2023, the Corporate Income Tax Act 2023 was tabled in the House of Assembly.
Bermuda Issues Draft Corporate Income Tax Law
BulgariaBulgaria: GloBE Country Guide On December 22, 2023, the Law Amending the Corporate Income Tax Act (to implement the EU Minimum Tax Directive), was published in Issue 106 of the Official Gazette.

On December 13, 2023, the Bulgarian Parliament approved the amendments to the Corporate Income Tax Act to implement the Pillar 2 GloBE rules.

The law needs to be signed by the President to be enacted.

On September 26, 2023, the Bulgarian Ministry of Finance issued a draft law for the implementation of the EU Global Minimum Tax Directive.

See our English Translation
A Review of Bulgaria’s Draft Pillar Two Law
CanadaCanada: GloBE Country GuideOn June 20, 2024, the Global Minimum Tax Act (included in the Budget Implementation Act 2024, No. 1) received royal assent. This includes provisions to implement an IIR and a QDMTT from December 31, 2023.

On August 4, 2023, Canada issued the draft Global Minimum Tax Act for consultation.
Explanatory Notes

Table of Concordance
A Review of Canada’s Draft GloBE Law
CroatiaCroatia: GloBE Country GuideOn December 22, 2023, Law No 155/23, to implement the EU Minimum Tax Directive, was published in the Official Gazette.

On November 30, 2023, the Croatian government sent a draft bill to implement the Pillar Two GloBE rules to Parliament.
CyprusCyprus: GloBE Country GuideOn October 3, 2023, the Cyprus Ministry of Finance issued the ‘Ensuring a Global Minimum Level of Taxation of Multinational Enterprise Groups and Large-Scale Domestic Groups in the Union Law of 2023’ to implement the Pillar Two GloBE rules/EU Minimum Tax Directive.

See our English Translation
A Review of Cyprus’s Draft Pillar Two Law
Czech RepublicCzech Republic: GloBE Country GuideOn April 26, 2024, the Czech government issued a draft law to amend the minimum tax act to implement aspects of the OECD Administrative Guidance.

On December 29, 2023, Law 416/2023, to implement the EU Minimum Tax Directive, was published in the Czech Official Gazette.

On August 16, 2023, the Czech Cabinet approved the draft top-up tax act.

On December 1, 2023, the Czech Senate approved the draft top-up tax act.

See our English Translation
Explanatory Notes for the April 2024 Draft Law (December 2023 Administrative Guidance)

Regulatory Report
A Review of the Czech Draft Top-Up Tax Act
Denmark Denmark: GloBE Country GuideOn June 11, 2024, Law No. 684 was published in the Danish Official Gazette. This implements additional aspects of the OECD Administrative Guidance.

The Danish Minimum Taxation Act was enacted as Law No. 1535 of December 12, 2023. 

On June 23, 2023, the Danish Ministry of Taxation issued the draft Minimum Tax Act (the ‘Bill’) to give effect to the GloBE rules.
Report of Committee on TaxationA Review of the Danish Draft Minimum Tax Act
EstoniaEstonia: GloBE Country GuideOn May 2, 2024, the Estonian Official Gazette enacted the ‘Act supplementing the Tax Information Exchange Act, the Tax Administration Act and the Income Tax Act’ to implement the EU Global Minimum Tax Directive.

On February 8, 2024, the ‘Act supplementing the Tax Information Exchange Act, the Tax Administration Act and the Income Tax Act’ to implement the EU Global Minimum Tax Directive was approved by the Estonian Government and sent to Parliament. It was approved by Parliament on April 10, 2024.

However, as Estonia intends to delay the application of the GloBE rules under Article 50 of the EU directive, the draft law is not comprehensive and only covers limited aspects of the GloBE rules (as required for the application of Article 50).
Estonia Issues Draft Pillar 2 Law Including Art. 50 Postponement
EUOn December 12, 2023 the EU Commission published the Commission Notice to Elect to delay application of the IIR and UTPR under Article 50 of the Pillar Two Directive.

The European Commission released a proposed directive based on the model GloBE rules on December 22, 2021.

On December 15, 2022, the Council of the European Union formally adopted the EU Pillar Two directive. Member states will have to transpose the directive into national law by the end of 2023.

On December 22, 2022 the EU Global Minimum Tax Directive was published in the EU official journal as Council Directive (EU) 2022/2523 of 14 December 2022. Date of entry into force: 23 December 2022. 
FAQ document The New Zealand and EU Approaches to the Domestic Income Inclusion Rule (DIIR)

EU Issues Commission Notice For Jurisdictions Delaying the IIR/UTPR

Full Steam Ahead For EU Pillar Two Implementation

Review of the Draft EU Pillar Two Directive

Poland Withdraws its Veto and the EU Pillar Two Directive is Adopted
FinlandFinland: GloBE Country GuideOn December 28, 2023, the Finnish President approved the ‘Law on the Minimum Taxation for Corporations’,  which implements the EU Minimum Tax Directive.

On August 15, 2023, the Finnish Ministry of Finance issued a draft law for the implementation of the EU Global Minimum Tax Directive.

See our English Translation
ExplanationKey Aspects of Finland’s Draft GloBE Law
FranceFrance: GloBE Country GuideOn December 30, 2023, the French Official Gazette published the 2024 Finance Act. This includes provisions to enact the EU Minimum Tax Directive. 

On 21 December 2023, the French Parliament approved the Finance Bill for 2024.

Article 4 of the French 2024 Finance Bill (published on September 27, 2023) includes provisions to implement the EU Global Minimum Tax Directive.

See our English Translation
A Review of France’s Draft Pillar Two Law
GermanyGermany: GloBE Country GuideOn June 5, 2024, the German Federal Ministry of Finance published the government draft for an Annual Tax Act 2024. This includes an amendment to the minimum tax act to implement the provision relating to the calculation of the SBIE for mobile employees in the Second Set of OECD Administrative Guidance. 

On May 17, 2024, the Germany Finance Ministry issued a draft Global Minimum Tax Return to specialist publishers, software providers and associations for feedback.

On December 27, 2023, Germany’s law to implement the Pillar 2 GloBE Rules/EU Minimum Tax Directive was published in the Federal Law Gazette 2023.

The Bundesrat (Germany’s Upper House of parliament) passed the ‘Act on the implementation of Council Directive (EU) 2022/2523 to ensure a global minimum level of taxation and further accompanying measures’ . It requires Presidential approval for enactment.

On November 10, 2023, the Bundestag (lower house) approved the German draft law to implement the EU Minimum Tax Directive.

On August 16, 2023, the Federal Cabinet adopted the government draft for the implementation of the Pillar Two GloBE Rules.

On July 10, 2023, the German Ministry of Finance issued an updated draft law for the implementation of the EU Global Minimum Tax Directive.

On March 20, 2023, the German Federal Ministry of Finance published a consultation, including a draft law (the Minimum Taxation Directive Implementation Act), to implement the EU Global Minimum Tax Directive.

See our English Translation
Germany Includes an Amendment to its GMT Law in the Draft Annual Tax Act

Germany Issues Draft GMT Return For Feedback

Germany Approves and Updates its GloBE Law

Amendments to Germany’s Pillar 2 Regime in the Updated Draft Law

Germany Publishes Draft Global Minimum Tax Legislation
GreeceGreece: GloBE Country GuideOn April 5, 2024, Law 5100/2024 was published in the Official Gazette. This implements the EU Minimum Tax Directive in Greece from December 31, 2023 (with the UTPR applying from December 31, 2024).

On February 22, 2024, the Ministry of National Economy and Finance entitled issued a draft law to implement the EU Global Minimum Tax Directive. The draft law is subject to consultation until March 6, 2024.

The draft law includes an IIR and QDMTT from December 31, 2023 and a UTPR from December 31, 2024.
ExplanationA Review of Greece’s Draft Pillar Two Law
HungaryHungary: GloBE Country GuideOn November 30, 2023, Act LXXXIV of 2023 on ‘Additional taxes ensuring a global minimum tax level and amending certain tax laws in connection with this’ was published in issue 171/2023 of the Hungarian Gazette.

See our English Translation
Explanation 1

Explanation 2
Hungary Approves and Updates its GloBE Law

A Review of Hungary’s Draft Pillar Two Law
IndonesiaOn December 20, 2022, Indonesia issued Government Regulation No. 55/2022 on the Adjustment of Regulations in the Field of Income Tax. This included reference to the implementation of a global minimum tax in Indonesia as well as a desire to implement Pillar One.Indonesian Regulation Signals Global Minimum Tax Implementation
IrelandIreland: GloBE Country GuideOn December 22, 2023, the Minister of Finance issued
S.I. No. 675/2023 – Taxes Consolidation Act 1997 (Section 111B(3)) Order 2023 to provide that the December 2023 OECD Adminstrative Guidance applies in Ireland.

On December 18, 2023, the Irish President enacted the Finance (No. 2) Act 2023 (Act 39 of 2023) to implement the EU Minimum Tax Directive.

On October 19, 2023, the Irish Ministry of Finance released the Finance (No. 2) Bill 2023. This inserts a new Part 4A into the Taxes Consolidation Act, 1997 to implement the Pillar Two GloBE rules/EU Minimum Tax Directive.

On July 27, 2023, Ireland issued its Second Feedback Statement on Pillar Two.

On March 31, 2023, the Irish government issued a Feedback Statement on the Pillar Two Global Minimum Tax.

It includes draft legislation and outlines possible draft legislative approaches to key elements of the GloBE Rules.
Tax & Duty Manual: Pillar 2

Revenue eBrief No. 136/24

A Review of Ireland’s Draft Pillar Two Law

A Review of Ireland’s Draft Pillar Two Law
Ireland Issues Second Feedback Statement on Pillar Two

Ireland Issues Draft Global Minimum Tax Law For Feedback
ItalyItaly: GloBE Country GuideOn July 3, 2024, the Italian Ministry of Economy & Finance issued a Decree which contains the procedures for the implementation of the Qualified Domestic Minimum Top-up Tax (QDMTT).

On May 21, 2024, Italy’s Ministry of Economy & Finance issued a Decree for the detailed application of the Transitional CbCR and UTPR Safe Harbours.

On December 28, 2023, the Italian Official Gazette published Legislative Decree No. 209 of December 27, 2023 which implements the EU Minimum Tax Directive.

On September 11, 2023, the Italian Ministry of Finance issued a draft law for the implementation of the EU Global Minimum Tax Directive (the ‘EU Directive’).

See our English Translation
Technical explanation of the Transitional Safe Harbours DecreeDetailed Analysis of the Italian QDMTT Implementing Decree

Italy Issues a Decree for the Transitional CbCR & UTPR Safe Harbours

A Review of Italy’s Draft Pillar Two Law
JapanJapan: GloBE Country GuideOn April 26, 2024, the Japanese National Tax Agency issued detailed explanatory notes on the application of Japan’s Pillar Two law/ordinance.

On April 12, 2024, the “Ministerial Ordinance to Partially Amend the Enforcement Regulations of the Corporation Tax Law” was published in the Official Gazette. This includes tax return forms (in Japanese) for reporting top-up tax under Japan’s Income Inclusion Rule.

On December 25, 2023, Japan’s National Tax Agency issued Frequently Asked Questions on the Japanese Income Inclusion Rule to apply from April 1, 2024.

On October 20, 2023, the Japanese Ministry of Finance released its technical explanation of the Japanese Global Minimum Tax Laws and Regulations.

On March 28, 2023, Japan enacted a domestic law to give effect to the Pillar Two GloBE rules from April 1, 2024.

On June 30, 2023, Japan’s Ministry of Finance issued Ministry of Finance Ordinance No. 47 of 2023 Amending the Enforcement Regulations of the Corporation Tax Act.

On June 16, 2023, a Cabinet Order to Partially Amend the Enforcement Order of the Corporation Tax Law was published in the Official Gazette.

On September 29, 2023, the National Tax Agency published the “Partial Revision of the Basic Circular on Corporate Tax” which provides some administrative guidance on various aspects of Japan’s GloBE law.

On February 3 and 6, 2023, the Ministry of Finance published the “Bill for the Partial Revision of the Income Tax Act”. This includes the implementation of the Pillar Two GloBE rules from April 2024.

See our English Translation
Detailed Explanatory Notes

Technical Explanation
Japan Issues Circular for Additional GloBE Guidance

What Japan’s Cabinet Order on Pillar 2 Includes & Doesn’t Include

Overview of Japan’s Latest Ministerial Ordinance on Pillar 2

Overview of Japan’s Cabinet Order on the Global Minimum Tax

Japan’s Global Minimum Tax Law Is Enacted

GloBE Country Guide: Japan
KenyaOn May 13, 2024 the Finance Bill, 2024 was sent to the Kenyan parliament. It includes provisions to introduce a 15% domestic minimum top-up tax from January 1, 2025. Kenya Includes a Domestic Minimum Tax in its 2024 Finance Bill
LatviaLatvia: GloBE Country GuideOn June 20, 2024, the Latvian global minimum tax law was published in the Official Gazette.

On June 6, 2024 the Latvian Parliament adopted in its final reading the “Law on ensuring the global minimum tax level of large groups of companies”, which implements the EU Global Minimum Tax Directive.

However, as Latvia intends to delay the application of the GloBE rules under Article 50 of the EU directive, the draft law is not comprehensive and only covers limited aspects of the GloBE rules (as required for the application of Article 50).
Latvian Parliament Adopts Law to Implement EU Minimum Tax Directive

Latvia Issues Draft Pillar Two Law & Confirms Postponement
LiechtensteinLiechtenstein: GloBE Country GuideOn March 28, 2024, the Decree on the minimum taxation of large groups of undertakings (the ‘GloBE Regulation’) was published in the Official Gazette.

On December 22, 2023, the Minimum Tax Act (to implement the GloBE Rules), was published in the Official Gazette of Liechtenstein, No. 2023/484.

On March 29, 2023, Liechtenstein published draft legislation for the implementation of the Pillar Two Globe Rules.

See our English Translation
A Review of the Liechtenstein GloBE Regulation

Liechtenstein Publishes Draft Global Minimum Tax Law
LithuaniaLithuania: GloBE Country GuideOn June 19, 2024, the Lithuanian global minimum tax law was published in the Official Gazette. This implements the Article 50 deferral of the EU Minimum Tax Directive.

On June 6, 2024, the Lithuanian Parliament approved Law No. XIV-2680/2024 to implement the Art. 50 deferral in the EU Minimum Tax Directive.

On March 14, 2024, the Lithuanian Parliament updated the draft GloBE Law.

On October 27, 2023, Lithuania’s Ministry of Finance issued a draft law to implement the EU Global Minimum Tax Directive.

However, as Lithuania intends to delay the application of the GloBE rules under Article 50 of the EU directive, the draft law is not comprehensive and only covers limited aspects of the GloBE rules (as required for the application of Article 50).

See our English Translation
Lithuania Issues Draft Pillar Two Law & Confirms Postponement
LuxembourgLuxembourg: GloBE Country GuideOn June 5, 2024, the Luxembourg Government adopted the draft law amending the law of 22 December 2023 on the minimum effective taxation for multinational enterprise groups and large domestic groups. The draft law provides for a number of amendments in the December 2023 OECD Administrative Guidance.

On March 25, 2024, the Luxembourg Government issued a FAQ on its Pillar 2 law.

On December 22, 2023, the Luxembourg Official Gazette published Law A864 to transpose the EU Minimum Tax Directive.

Grand-Ducal Regulation of 22 December 2023 on the procedures for registration and deregistration, notification and filing of the information return for the supplementary tax with the Direct Tax Administration

On 20 December 2023, the Luxembourg Parliament voted to approve the draft law n°8292 transposing the EU Minimum Tax Directive.

On November 13, 2023, the Luxembourg Government issued amendments to update its draft law implementing the EU Minimum Tax Directive.

On 4 August 2023, the Luxembourg government issued Draft Law No. 8292 to implement the EU Minimum Tax Directive.

See our English Translations
FAQsLuxembourg Government Approves Draft Law to Include Additional OECD Administrative Guidance

Luxembourg Updates its Draft GloBE Law for OECD Administrative Guidance

Key Aspects of Luxembourg’s Draft GloBE Law
MalaysiaMalaysia: GloBE Country Guide On December 29, 2023, the Finance Act (No. 2) 2023 was published in the Official Gazette. This implements the Pillar Two GloBE rules in Malaysia from 2025.

On December 13, 2023, the Malaysian Parliament approved the Finance Bill (No.2) 2023.
FAQsA Review of Malaysia’s Draft Pillar Two Law
MaltaMalta: GloBE Country GuideOn February 28, 2024, the Maltese Tax Authorities issued a guidance note on the implementation of the EU Minimum tax Directive in Malta.

On February 20, 2024, the Government issued Legal Notice 32 of 2024 which includes Regulations to implement Article 50 of the EU Minimum Tax Directive.

However, as Malta intends to delay the application of the GloBE rules under Article 50 of the EU Directive, the law is not comprehensive and only covers limited aspects of the GloBE rules (as required for the application of Article 50).
Guidance NotesMalta Enacts EU Minimum Tax Directive With Art. 50 Postponement
MauritiusThe Finance (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2022 which implements provisions of the 2022 Budget in Mauritius includes mention of a qualified domestic minimum tax for Pillar Two purposes. Mauritius 2022 Finance Act includes Pillar Two Top-Up Tax
New ZealandNew Zealand: GloBE Country GuideThe Taxation (Annual Rates for 2023-24, Multinational Tax, and Remedial Matters) Act, 2024 has been enacted, receiving Royal assent, March 28, 2024.

On May 18, 2023, New Zealand published a draft law (the Taxation (Annual Rates for 2023–24, Multinational Tax, and Remedial Matters) Bill) to implement the Pillar Two Global Minimum Tax.

On March 11, 2024, the Finance and Expenditure Committee of the New Zealand Parliament made a number of amendments to the draft law.
CommentaryThe New Zealand and EU Approaches to the Domestic Income Inclusion Rule (DIIR)

New Zealand Updates Draft Global Minimum Tax Law & Delays Domestic IIR to 2026

New Zealand Issues Draft Global Minimum Tax Law

Direct Transposition of the GloBE Rules: Different Approaches By Switzerland & New Zealand
NorwayNorway: GloBE Country GuideOn January 12, 2024, the Norwegian Council of State ratified the Norwegian Parliaments enactment of the Supplementary Tax Act in Legislative Decision 37 (2023-2024) Act No. 1. (see Law-2024-01-12-1 )

On November 24, 2023, the draft law to implement the GloBE rules in Norwegian law from 2024 was submitted to Parliament.

On June 6, 2023, the Norwegian Ministry of Finance launched a consultation (including draft legislation) on the implementation of the Pillar Two GloBE Rules in Norway.

See our English Translation
ExplanationNorway Sends its Updated GloBE Law to Parliament

Norway Issues Consultation and Draft Law For Pillar 2 Rules
PolandPoland: GloBE Country GuideOn April 25, 2024, the Polish Ministry of Finance issued a draft law to implement the EU Minimum Tax Directive from January 1, 2025 (with an option to apply the regulations retrospectively from 2024). Explanatory Notes
PortugalPortugal: GloBE Country Guide On July 10, 2024, the Portuguese government issued a draft law to transpose the EU Minimum Tax Directive into domestic law. The public consultation is open until 31 July 2024.
RomaniaRomania: GloBE Country GuideOn December 29, 2023, Law No. 431/2023 to implement the EU Minimum Tax Directive was published in the Official Gazette.

On December 19, 2023, the Romanian Parliament approved the ‘Draft Law on ensuring a global minimum level of taxation for MNE Groups and Large National Groups’.

On October 4, 2023, the Romanian Ministry of Finance issued a draft law to implement the Pillar Two GloBE rules/EU Minimum Tax Directive.

See our English Translation
Explanatory NotesA Review of Romania’s Draft Pillar Two Law
SingaporeSingapore: GloBE Country On June 10, 2024, the Singapore Ministry of Finance issued a draft Multinational Enterprise (Minimum Tax) Bill and subsidiary legislation for consultation. The consultation is open until July 5, 2024. Explanatory Statement
SlovakiaSlovakia: GloBE Country GuideOn December 23, 2023, Act No. 507/2023 to implement relevant provisions of the EU Minimum Tax Directive, was published in the Official Gazette.

On December 4, 2023, the Slovakian Government approved the ‘Draft Act on the Equalization Tax to ensure a minimum level of taxation for multinational enterprise groups and large national groups’. The draft law was passed by the Legislative Council on December 8, 2023.
Slovakia’s GloBE Law Applies the EU’s IIR/UTPR Postponement Provision
Slovenia Slovenia: GloBE Country Guide On December 22, 2023, the Minimum Tax Act (to implement the EU Minimum Tax Directive), was published in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, No. 131/23.
South AfricaSouth Africa: GloBE Country Guide On February 21, 2024, the National Treasury and the South African Revenue Service issued the Draft Global Minimum Tax Bill, and the Draft Global Minimum Tax Administration Bill for consultation.Explanatory NotesSouth Africa Issues a Draft Law to Transpose the OECD GloBE Rules & Adopts an ‘Ambulatory’ Approach
South KoreaSouth Korea: GloBE Country GuideOn March 22, 2024, the Enforcement Regulations to the International Tax Adjustment Act were amended for GloBE adjustments. This includes attachments for the GIR (in English and Korean) and the GloBE Tax Return.

On February 29, 2024, the Enforcement Decree to the International Tax Adjustment Act was amended to reflect aspects of the GloBE rules.

On December 31, 2023, Law 19928 was issued to amend the International Tax Adjustment Act. 

On November 9, 2023, South Korea issued the Preliminary Legislative Notice of Partial Amendment to the Enforcement Decree of the International Tax Mediation Act.

On December 31, 2022, South Korea passed Law 19191 to amend the International Tax Adjustment Act to provide for the Pillar Two Global Minimum Tax from January 1, 2024.

On July 28, 2023, the South Korean government published the Partial Amendment Proposal for the International Tax Adjustment Act, to amend their Pillar Two law to (1) take account of a number of OECD amendments issued in their Administrative Guidance, and (2) delay the implementation of the UTPR until January 1, 2025.

On July 22, 2022, South Korea released a draft law to implement Pillar Two.

See our English Translations
A Review of South Korea’s Pillar Two Amendments to its Enforcement Regulation

A Review of South Korea’s Latest GloBE Amendments

South Korea Issues Draft Pillar 2 Amendment Law

First Domestic Pillar Two Global Minimum Tax Law Enacted

Analysis of South Korea’s Draft Pillar Two Law

English Translation of South Korean Pillar Two Law
SpainSpain: GloBE Country GuideOn December 19, 2023, Spain’s Council of Ministers approved a draft law to implement the EU Minimum Tax Directive. It was subject to a consultation and was then subsequently approved as a second draft by the Council of Ministers on June 4, 2024. On June 14, 2024, the Official Gazette of the Spanish Parliament published the text of the Bill.

The first draft law was published on December 20, 2023
SwedenSweden: GloBE Country GuideOn March 19, 2024, the Swedish Ministry of Finance published proposals, including draft legislation, to amend its GloBE law to include further aspects of the OECD Administrative Guidance.

On December 16, 2023, the Swedish Official Gazette published Law No. SFS 2023:875, implementing the EU Minimum Tax Directive.

See our English Translation
Explanatory Notes 1

Explanatory Notes 2
Sweden Issues Proposed Draft Legislation to Implement OECD Administrative Guidance

Review of the Draft Swedish Global Minimum Tax Law
SwitzerlandSwitzerland: GloBE Country GuideOn December 22, 2023, the Swiss Federal Council issued an Ordinance and announced Switzerland is to apply a QDMTT from December 31, 2023. The IIR and UTPR are to be delayed.

On August 17, 2022, the Swiss Federal Council issued a draft decree for the implementation of Pillar Two.

On May 24, 2023, Switzerland issued an updated Draft Decree for the Pillar Two Global Minimum Tax.

See our English Translation
ExplanationAnalysis of Switzerlands Draft Pillar Two Decree

Direct Transposition of the GloBE Rules: Different Approaches By Switzerland & New Zealand

Switzerland Issues Second Consultation on the GloBE Rules
ThailandThailand: GloBE Country Guide On March 1, 2024, the Thai Revenue Department published an 18-page consultation paper on the implementation of Pillar Two. This includes draft legislation which includes, an IIR, UTPR and a domestic minimum tax.
The NetherlandsNetherlands: GloBE Country GuideOn December 27, 2023, the Dutch Official Gazette published the 2024 Tax Plan which includes the Minimum Tax Act to implement the EU Minimum Tax Directive.

On December 19, 2023, the Dutch Senate approved the 2024 Tax Plan which includes the Minimum Tax Act to implement the EU Minimum Tax Directive.

On 13 October 2023, the Dutch State-Secretary of Finance issued a Bill to amend the Dutch Draft Minimum Tax Bill.

The Netherlands presented the Minimum Tax Bill, 2024 to Parliament on May 31, 2023.

See our English Translation
Memorandum of Amendment to to Minimum Tax ActThe Netherlands Issues GloBE Amendments for OECD Administrative Guidance

The Netherlands Sends GloBE Minimum Tax Act to Parliament

Key Takeaways From the Dutch Draft Pillar Two Legislation
The United KingdomUnited Kingdom: GloBE Country GuideOn May 20, 2024, the UK issued a Pillar 2 top-up taxes registration notice, that  explains how to register for Pillar 2 top-up taxes in the UK, the information required and how to notify HMRC of any reporting related changes.

On February 22, 2024, the UK 2024 Finance Act received royal assent. This domestically implements amendments provided in the OECD Administrative Guidance.

On December 21, 2023, the UK issued detailed draft guidance on various aspects of the UK’s multinational top-up tax, including how to calculate the ETR.

Finance (No. 2) Act for the ‘Multinational Top-Up Tax‘ enacted on July 11, 2023.

On June 15, 2023, the UK issued draft guidance on the application of the multinational top-up tax.
Draft Guidance NotesUK Enacts 2024 Finance Act to Implement the OECD Administrative Guidance

Review of the UK Draft UTPR Law

UK Enacts New Multinational Top-Up Tax From December 31, 2023

UK Issues First Tranche of Draft Guidance on Global Minimum Tax

Review of the UK Global Minimum Tax in Yesterday’s 2023 Spring Finance Bill

UK Proposes Amendments to Global Minimum Tax Rules
TurkeyTurkey: GloBE Country GuideThe “Draft Law on the Amendment of Tax Laws and Certain Laws” was submitted to the Grand National Assembly of Turkey on July 16, 2024. Articles 37 – 50 of the Draft Law include provisions to implement the GloBE rules in domestic law from January 1, 2024. This includes the IIR, UTPR and a domestic minimum top-up tax.
VietnamVietnam: GloBE Country GuideOn December 8, 2023, Resolution No: 107/2023/QH15 was issued to enact the Pillar Two GloBE rules. It was published in the Vietnamese Official Gazette on December 21, 2023
ZimbabweOn December 29, 2023, the Finance Act 2023 was published in the Official Gazette. This included a domestic minimum top up tax (unlikely to be a QDMTT based on the current rules).

Map: Pillar Two Implementation


African Tax Administration Forum (ATAF)Draft LegislationN/AN/AYes
  • ATAF Releases Domestic Minimum Tax Legislation
  • ArgentinaPlanned for 2024 Budget packageAwaiting DetailsAwaiting DetailsAwaiting Details
  • See our Pillar Two Developments Tracker
  • AustraliaDraft Legislation/ ConsultationJanuary 1, 2024January 1, 2025January 1, 2024
  • Australia Submits Pillar 2 Laws to Parliament
  • A Review of Australia’s Draft Pillar Two Legislation
  • Australia Issues Update on Global Minimum Tax
  • Australian Budget Confirms 2024 GloBE Implementation
  • Australia’s Consultation on Pillar Two
  • See our Pillar Two Developments Tracker
  • AustriaEnacted Legislation (See our English Translation)

    See: Austria: GloBE Country Guide
    December 31, 2023December 31, 2024December 31, 2023
  • A Review of Austria’s Draft Pillar Two Law
  • BahamasWorking GroupAwaiting DetailsAwaiting DetailsJanuary 1, 2024
  • The Bahamas Issues a Policy Paper on a New CIT System, Including a QDMTT
  • The Bahamas & Cayman Islands Approach To The Global Minimum tax
  • See our Pillar Two Developments Tracker
  • BarbadosDraft LegislationNoNoJanuary 1, 2024
  • Bermuda and Barbados Announce GloBE Implementation
  • Barbados 2023 Budget Confirms Global Minimum Tax Proposals Are In Progress
  • BelgiumEnacted Legislation (See our English Translation)

    See: Belgium: GloBE Country Guide
    December 31, 2023December 31, 2024December 31, 2023
  • Belgium Extends Registration Deadline to September 16, 2024 if no 2024 GMT Advance Payments
  • Belgian Royal Decree Sets July 13, 2024 as the Deadline for the First GloBE Notification Form
  • Belgium’s Pillar Two Notification Form Requires Significant Data Input
  • Belgium Issues Draft Law to Implement the OECD Administrative Guidance
  • A Review of Belgium’s Draft Pillar Two Law
  • BermudaEnacted LegislationNoNoNo
  • Bermuda Issues Draft Corporate Income Tax Law
  • Bermuda and Barbados Announce GloBE Implementation
  • Bermuda Announces 2024 Global Minimum Tax in 2023 Throne Speech
  • Bermuda Issues Consultation for a Corporate Income Tax
  • Bermuda’s Plans For a Global Minimum Tax
  • BrazilCommentaryN/AN/AN/A
  • Brazil Planning 15% Global Minimum Tax Implementation
  • OECD Recommends Global Minimum Tax is Included in Brazil’s Tax Reform
  • British Virgin Islands (BVI)CommentaryN/AN/AN/A
  • The BVI is Taking a Different Approach to the Bahamas for Pillar 2
  • BulgariaEnacted Legislation (See our English Translation)

    See: Bulgaria: GloBE Country Guide
    January 1, 2024January 1, 2025January 1, 2024
  • A Review of Bulgaria’s Draft Pillar Two Law
  • CanadaEnacted Legislation

    See: Canada: GloBE Country Guide
    December 31, 2023N/ADecember 31, 2023
  • Canada Issues Explanatory Notes on the Global Minimum Tax
  • A Review of Canada’s Draft GloBE Law
  • Cayman IslandsCommentaryN/AN/AN/A
  • See our Pillar Two Developments Tracker
  • ChinaCommentaryN/AN/AN/A
  • Chinese Developments in Global Minimum Tax Implementation
  • A Review of China’s Tax Law From a Pillar Two Perspective
  • CroatiaEnacted Legislation

    See: Croatia: GloBE Country Guide
    December 31, 2023December 31, 2024December 31, 2023
  • See our Pillar Two Developments Tracker
  • CyprusDraft Legislation (See our English Translation)

    See: Cyprus: GloBE Country Guide
    December 31, 2023December 31, 2024January 1, 2025
  • EU Gives Spain, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and Portugal 2 Months to Enact Domestic Pillar 2 Laws
  • EU Commission Issues Infringement Decisions Against 9 Member States For Not Enacting Pillar 2
  • A Review of Cyprus’s Draft Pillar Two Law
  • Czech RepublicEnacted Legislation (See our English Translation)

    See: Czech Republic: GloBE Country Guide
    December 31, 2023December 31, 2024December 31, 2023
  • A Review of the Czech Draft Top-Up Tax Act
  • GloBE Country Guide: Czech Republic
  • DenmarkEnacted Legislation

    See: Denmark: GloBE Country Guide
    December 31, 2023December 31, 2024December 31, 2023
  • A Review of the Danish Draft Minimum Tax Act
  • Danish Tax Authority Issues MNEs a Questionnaire for the GloBE Information Return
  • EstoniaEnacted Legislation

    See: Estonia: GloBE Country Guide
    Art. 50 Postponement to December 31, 2029Art. 50 Postponement to December 31, 2029No
  • Estonia Issues Draft Pillar 2 Law Including Art. 50 Postponement
  • EU Commission Issues Infringement Decisions Against 9 Member States For Not Enacting Pillar 2
  • See our Pillar Two Developments Tracker
  • Pillar Two GloBE Rules and Estonia’s Distribution Tax
  • European UnionEnacted December 31, 2023December 31, 2024Left to Individual EU Jurisdictions
  • The New Zealand and EU Approaches to the Domestic Income Inclusion Rule (DIIR)
  • EU Commission Issues Infringement Decisions Against 9 Member States For Not Enacting Pillar 2
  • EU Issues Commission Notice For Jurisdictions Delaying the IIR/UTPR
  • Mapping the Model Rules to the EU Global Minimum Tax Directive
  • Full Steam Ahead For EU Pillar Two Implementation
  • Review of the Draft EU Pillar Two Directive
  • FinlandEnacted Legislation (See our English Translation)

    See: Finland: GloBE Country Guide
    December 31, 2023December 31, 2024December 31, 2023
  • Key Aspects of Finland’s Draft GloBE Law
  • FranceEnacted Legislation (See our English Translation)

    See: France: GloBE Country Guide
    December 31, 2023December 31, 2024December 31, 2023
  • A Review of France’s Draft Pillar Two Law
  • GermanyEnacted Legislation (See our English Translation)

    See: Germany: GloBE Country Guide
    December 31, 2023December 31, 2024December 31, 2023
  • Germany Includes an Amendment to its GMT Law in the Draft Annual Tax Act
  • Germany Issues Draft GMT Return For Feedback
  • Germany Approves and Updates its GloBE Law
  • Amendments to Germany’s Pillar 2 Regime in the Updated Draft Law
  • GloBE Country Guide: Germany
  • Germany Publishes Draft Global Minimum Tax Legislation
  • German Proposals Include a Pillar Two Whitelist
  • GibraltarProposalJanuary 1, 2025 Awaiting DetailsDecember 31, 2023
  • Gibraltar 2024 Budget Confirms QDMTT Introduction
  • See our Pillar Two Developments Tracker
  • GreeceEnacted Legislation

    See: Greece: GloBE Country Guide
    December 31, 2023December 31, 2024December 31, 2023
  • A Review of Greece’s Draft Pillar Two Law
  • EU Commission Issues Infringement Decisions Against 9 Member States For Not Enacting Pillar 2
  • See our Pillar Two Developments Tracker
  • GuernseyProposalJanuary 1, 2025 NoJanuary 1, 2025
  • Guernsey, Jersey and the Isle of Man Announce a Global Minimum Tax From 2025
  • Hong KongConsultationJanuary 1, 2025 January 1, 2025 January 1, 2025
  • Hong Kong to Implement Global Minimum Tax in 2025
  • See our Pillar Two Developments Tracker
  • HungaryEnacted Law (See our English Translation)

    See: Hungary: GloBE Country Guide
    December 31, 2023December 31, 2024December 31, 2023
  • Hungary Becomes The First EU Member To Enact Pillar 2 Law
  • Hungary Approves and Updates its GloBE Law
  • A Review of Hungary’s Draft Pillar Two Law
  • Hungary’s Prime Minister Reiterates the Local Business Tax is a Covered Tax for GloBE Purposes
  • IcelandProposalJanuary 1, 2025Awaiting DetailsAwaiting Details
    IndiaCommentaryAwaiting DetailsAwaiting DetailsAwaiting Details
  • India’s Tax Regime after Pillar Two: Key Risks and Opportunities
  • IndonesiaPartial EnactmentAwaiting DetailsAwaiting DetailsAwaiting Details
  • Indonesian Regulation Signals Global Minimum Tax Implementation
  • Director of Indonesian Tax Authority Confirms Planned 2024 GloBE Implementation
  • See our Pillar Two Developments Tracker
  • IrelandEnacted Legislation

    See: Ireland: GloBE Country Guide
    December 31, 2023December 31, 2024December 31, 2023
  • A Review of Ireland’s Draft Pillar Two Law
  • Ireland Issues Second Feedback Statement on Pillar Two
  • Ireland Issues Draft Global Minimum Tax Law For Feedback
  • Irish 2022 Finance Bill Changes for Pillar Two
  • Isle of ManProposalAwaiting DetailsAwaiting DetailsJanuary 1, 2025
  • Isle of Man Announces QDMTT From 2025
  • Guernsey, Jersey and the Isle of Man Announce a Global Minimum Tax From 2025
  • IsraelWorking GroupAwaiting DetailsAwaiting DetailsAwaiting Details
  • Israel Reaffirms Pillar Two Implementation
  • Key Risks for MNEs Operating in Israel after Pillar Two
  • ItalyEnacted Legislation (See our English Translation)

    See: Italy: GloBE Country Guide
    December 31, 2023December 31, 2024December 31, 2023
  • Detailed Analysis of the Italian QDMTT Implementing Decree
  • Italy Issues a Decree for the Transitional CbCR & UTPR Safe Harbours
  • A Review of Italy’s Draft Pillar Two Law
  • JamaicaProposalNoNoAwaiting Details (Planned Transposition from the OECD Model Rules)
  • See our Pillar Two Developments Tracker
  • JapanEnacted Law (See our English Translation)

    See: Japan: GloBE Country Guide
    April 1, 2024NoBeing Considered for 2025
  • Japan Issues Circular for Additional GloBE Guidance
  • What Japan’s Cabinet Order on Pillar 2 Includes & Doesn’t Include
  • Overview of Japan’s Latest Ministerial Ordinance on Pillar 2
  • GloBE Country Guide: Japan
  • Overview of Japan’s Cabinet Order on the Global Minimum Tax
  • Japan’s Global Minimum Tax Law Is Enacted
  • See our Pillar Two Developments Tracker
  • Japans Pillar 2 Proposals in its 2023 Tax Reform Outline
  • Japan Submits Draft Pillar Two Law to Parliament
  • Japan’s Accounting Standards Board Publishes Deferred Tax Guidance For Global Minimum Tax
  • Sourcing the Japanese Pillar Two Law to the OECD Model Rules
  • JerseyProposalJanuary 1, 2025 NoJanuary 1, 2025
  • Jersey to implement an IIR and QDMTT from January 1, 2025
  • Guernsey, Jersey and the Isle of Man Announce a Global Minimum Tax From 2025
  • Jerseys approach to Pillar Two implementation
  • KenyaDraft LegislationNoNoJanuary 1, 2025
  • Kenya Includes a Domestic Minimum Tax in its 2024 Finance Bill
  • See our Pillar Two Developments Tracker
  • KuwaitCommentaryAwaiting DetailsAwaiting DetailsAwaiting Details
  • Kuwait Considers Pillar Two Application
  • IMF Recommends Extension of Kuwait’s CIT For GloBE Implementation
  • LatviaEnacted Legislation

    See: Latvia: GloBE Country Guide
    Art. 50 Postponement to December 31, 2029Art. 50 Postponement to December 31, 2029No
  • Latvian Parliament Adopts Law to Implement EU Minimum Tax Directive
  • EU Gives Spain, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and Portugal 2 Months to Enact Domestic Pillar 2 Laws
  • Latvia Issues Draft Pillar Two Law & Confirms Postponement
  • EU Commission Issues Infringement Decisions Against 9 Member States For Not Enacting Pillar 2
  • LiechtensteinEnacted Legislation (See our English Translation)

    See: Liechtenstein: GloBE Country Guide
    January 1, 2024January 1, 2025January 1, 2024
  • A Review of the Liechtenstein GloBE Regulation
  • Liechtenstein Publishes Draft Global Minimum Tax Law
  • LithuaniaEnacted Legislation (See our English Translation)

    See: Lithuania: GloBE Country Guide
    Art. 50 Postponement to December 31, 2029Art. 50 Postponement to December 31, 2029No
  • EU Gives Spain, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and Portugal 2 Months to Enact Domestic Pillar 2 Laws
  • EU Commission Issues Infringement Decisions Against 9 Member States For Not Enacting Pillar 2
  • Lithuania Issues Draft Pillar Two Law & Confirms Postponement
  • LuxembourgEnacted Legislation (See our English Translation)

    See: Luxembourg: GloBE Country Guide
    December 31, 2023December 31, 2024December 31, 2023
  • Luxembourg Government Approves Draft Law to Include Additional OECD Administrative Guidance
  • Luxembourg Updates its Draft GloBE Law for OECD Administrative Guidance
  • Key Aspects of the Luxembourg Draft GloBE Law
  • Luxembourg Government Approves Pillar Two Bill
  • Luxembourg Private Debt Funds and Pillar Two
  • MalaysiaEnacted Legislation

    See: Malaysia: GloBE Country Guide
    January 1, 2025NoJanuary 1, 2025
  • A Review of Malaysia’s Draft Pillar Two Law
  • Malaysia’s 2024 Budget Proposes GloBE Implementation from 2025
  • Today’s Malaysian 2023 Revised Budget Stands by 2024 Global Minimum Tax
  • Malaysia to Implement Global Minimum Tax & QDMTT in 2024
  • MaltaEnacted Legislation

    See: Malta: GloBE Country Guide

    Art. 50 Postponement to December 31, 2029Art. 50 Postponement to December 31, 2029No
  • EU Commission Issues Infringement Decisions Against 9 Member States For Not Enacting Pillar 2
  • See our Pillar Two Developments Tracker
  • MauritiusPartial EnactmentNoNoIncluded in Finance Act – Awaiting Details
  • Mauritius 2022 Finance Act includes Pillar Two Top-Up Tax
  • MexicoWorking GroupAwaiting DetailsAwaiting DetailsAwaiting Details
  • See our Pillar Two Developments Tracker
  • New ZealandEnacted Legislation

    See: New Zealand: GloBE Country Guide
    January 1, 2025January 1, 2025No (But a domestic IIR from January 1, 2026)
  • The New Zealand and EU Approaches to the Domestic Income Inclusion Rule (DIIR)
  • New Zealand Updates Draft Global Minimum Tax Law & Delays Domestic IIR to 2026
  • New Zealand Issues Draft Global Minimum Tax Law
  • New Zealand’s Approach to Pillar Two
  • Direct Transposition of the GloBE Rules: Different Approaches By Switzerland & New Zealand
  • NigeriaRejectedNoNoNo
  • Nigeria Reconsidering Its Approach To Pillar Two
  • The Impact of Nigeria’s Rejection of Both Pillar 1 and 2
  • NorwayEnacted Law (See our English Translation)

    See: Norway: GloBE Country Guide
    January 1, 2024NoJanuary 1, 2024
  • Norway Sends its Updated GloBE Law to Parliament
  • Norway Issues Consultation and Draft Law For Pillar 2 Rules
  • OmanCommentaryAwaiting DetailsAwaiting DetailsAwaiting Details
  • Oman’s Tax Regime and Pillar Two
  • ParaguayWorking GroupAwaiting DetailsAwaiting DetailsAwaiting Details
  • See our Pillar Two Developments Tracker
    Paraguay’s Significant Pillar Two Risk
  • PhilippinesCommentaryAwaiting DetailsAwaiting DetailsAwaiting Details
  • The Philippines Tax Regime and the Pillar Two GloBE Rules
  • PolandDraft LawJanuary 1, 2025January 1, 2025January 1, 2025
  • EU Gives Spain, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and Portugal 2 Months to Enact Domestic Pillar 2 Laws
  • EU Commission Issues Infringement Decisions Against 9 Member States For Not Enacting Pillar 2
  • Delays in Poland’s Domestic Legislation
  • PortugalDraft LegislationDecember 31, 2023December 31, 2024December 31, 2023
  • EU Gives Spain, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and Portugal 2 Months to Enact Domestic Pillar 2 Laws
  • EU Commission Issues Infringement Decisions Against 9 Member States For Not Enacting Pillar 2
  • QatarDrafting a QDMTTAwaiting DetailsAwaiting DetailsAwaiting Details
  • See our Pillar Two Developments Tracker
  • RomaniaEnacted Legislation (See our English Translation)

    See: Romania: GloBE Country Guide
    December 31, 2023December 31, 2024December 31, 2023
  • A Review of Romania’s Draft Pillar Two Law
  • SingaporeDraft LegislationJanuary 1, 2025NoJanuary 1, 2025
  • Singapore To Implement Pillar Two From 2025
  • A Pillar Two Review of Singapore’s Tax System
  • SlovakiaEnacted Legislation (See our English Translation)

    See: Slovakia: GloBE Country Guide
    Art. 50 Postponement to December 31, 2029Art. 50 Postponement to December 31, 2029December 31, 2023
  • Slovakia’s GloBE Law Applies the EU’s IIR/UTPR Postponement Provision
  • See our Pillar Two Developments Tracker
  • Slovakia Issues Draft Pillar Two Law
  • SloveniaEnacted Legislation

    See: Slovenia: GloBE Country Guide
    December 31, 2023December 31, 2024December 31, 2024
    South AfricaDraft Legislation

    See: South Africa: GloBE Country Guide
    January 1, 2024NoJanuary 1, 2024
  • South Africa Issues a Draft Law to Transpose the OECD GloBE Rules & Adopts an ‘Ambulatory’ Approach
  • South Africa Issues Draft Global Minimum Tax Bill
  • South Africa Confirms Global Minimum Tax In 2024 Taxation Laws Amendment Bill
  • South KoreaEnacted Law (See our English Translation)

    See: South Korea: GloBE Country Guide
    January 1, 2024January 1, 2025 No
  • A Review of South Korea’s Pillar Two Amendments to its Enforcement Regulation
  • South Korea Releases Pillar Two Forms, Including GloBE Information Return & GloBE Tax Return
  • A Review of South Korea’s Latest GloBE Amendments
  • South Korea Issues Draft Pillar 2 Amendment Law
  • Sourcing the South Korean Pillar Two Law to the OECD Model Rules
  • GloBE Country Guide: South Korea
  • First Domestic Pillar Two Global Minimum Tax Law Enacted
  • Analysis of South Korea’s Draft Pillar Two Law
  • English Translation of the South Korean Pillar Two Law
  • The South Korean PE Risk Under Pillar Two
  • SpainDraft Legislation (See our English Translation)

    See: Spain: GloBE Country Guide
    December 31, 2023December 31, 2024December 31, 2023
  • Spanish Parliament Publishes Draft GMT Law
  • EU Gives Spain, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and Portugal 2 Months to Enact Domestic Pillar 2 Laws
  • EU Commission Issues Infringement Decisions Against 9 Member States For Not Enacting Pillar 2
  • Spain Issues Draft Pillar Two Legislation
  • Spain Opens a Consultation on the Global Minimum Tax
  • SwedenEnacted Legislation (See our English Translation)

    See: Sweden: GloBE Country Guide
    December 31, 2023December 31, 2024December 31, 2023
  • Sweden Issues Proposed Draft Legislation to Implement OECD Administrative Guidance
  • GloBE Country Guide: Sweden
  • Review of the Draft Swedish Global Minimum Tax Law
  • English Translation of the Swedish Draft Global Minimum Tax Law
  • SwitzerlandEnacted Legislation & Constitutional Amendment (See our English Translation)

    See: Switzerland: GloBE Country Guide
    Likely January 1, 2025Likely January 1, 2025January 1, 2024
  • Switzerland Issues Report on Cantonal Pillar 2 Developments
  • Swiss Referendum Approves 2024 Global Minimum Tax
  • Switzerland Issues Second Consultation on the GloBE Rules
  • GloBE Country Guide: Switzerland
  • Analysis of Switzerland’s Draft Pillar Two Decree
  • Switzerland Approves the GloBE Rules
  • Direct Transposition of the GloBE Rules: Different Approaches By Switzerland & New Zealand
  • TaiwanNo Legislative Schedule ProvidedAwaiting DetailsAwaiting DetailsAwaiting Details
  • Taiwan’s Ministry of Finance Confirms No Timeline for Pillar 2 Implementation
  • A Pillar Two Review of Taiwan’s Tax Regime
  • Taiwan To Increase Its Domestic Minimum Tax Rate From 2024
  • ThailandDraft Legislation

    See: Thailand: GloBE Country Guide
    January 1, 2025January 1, 2025January 1, 2025
  • GloBE Country Guide: Thailand
  • Thai Cabinet Approves Global Minimum Tax Proposal
  • Thailand’s Tax Incentive Regime and Pillar Two
  • The NetherlandsEnacted Legislation (See our English Translation)

    See: The Netherlands: GloBE Country Guide
    December 31, 2023December 31, 2024December 31, 2023
  • The Netherlands Issues GloBE Amendments for OECD Administrative Guidance
  • The Netherlands Sends GloBE Minimum Tax Act to Parliament
  • GloBE Country Guide: The Netherlands
  • Key Takeaways From the Dutch Draft Pillar Two Legislation
  • TurkeyDraft LegislationJanuary 1, 2024January 1, 2024January 1, 2024
  • Turkey Gazettes Pillar 2 IASB Amendments
  • UAEConsultation + High Level Amendments to CIT LawNot in 2024Not in 2024Not in 2024
  • A Review of the UAE Consultation on the Introduction of the GloBE Rules
  • See our Pillar Two Developments Tracker
  • UAEs New Corporate Tax Law and Pillar Two
  • United KingdomIIR/QDMTT: Enacted Law
    UTPR: Proposed

    See: The UK: GloBE Country Guide
    31 December 202331 December 2024 (at the earliest)31 December 2023
  • UK to Apply Transitional CbCR Safe Harbour Anti-Avoidance Rule From March 14, 2024
  • UK Enacts 2024 Finance Act to Implement the OECD Administrative Guidance
  • Review of the UK Draft UTPR Law
  • UK Enacts New Multinational Top-Up Tax From December 31, 2023
  • UK Issues First Tranche of Draft Guidance on Global Minimum Tax
  • Key Differences in Excluded Entities Between OECD Model Rules & UK Draft Legislation
  • Review of the UK Global Minimum Tax in Yesterday’s 2023 Spring Finance Bill
  • GloBE Country Guide: The United Kingdom
  • UK Confirms 2024 Global Minimum Tax & QDMTT in 2023 Spring Budget
  • A Review of the UK Draft Pillar Two Legislation
  • UK Pushes Forward With Pillar Two
  • UK Proposes Amendments to Global Minimum Tax Rules
  • A Review of the UK QDMTT and the OECD Administrative Guidance
  • United StatesCommentaryNoNoNo
  • U.S Updates its GloBE Impact Document
  • See our Pillar Two Developments Tracker
  • VietnamResolution Enacted

    See: Vietnam: GloBE Country Guide
    January 1, 2024NoJanuary 1, 2024
  • See our Pillar Two Developments Tracker
  • Vietnam Issues Draft Pillar 2 Resolution
  • Vietnamese Government Issues Resolution To Speed-Up Global Minimum Tax
  • The Thorny Issue of Pillar Two in Vietnam
  • Chairman of the Vietnamese National Assembly Confirms Pillar 2 Implementation Is Progressing
  • ZimbabweLegislation enacted NoNoDomestic minimum tax